Impact Stories

Nzulenzu Benefits From Free Medical Care

Residents of Nzulenzu, a community built on stilt in the Jomoro District of the Western Region, are receiving free medical care, counselling and prayer support from Theovision International.

The week-long medical campaign will also cover the Nuba and Jawey communities. Over 3000 community members are expected to benefit from the exercise.

In an interview with Theovision, an elder of Nzulenzu Mr. Akromah Ebulley thanked and praised Theovision for their support.

He said residents are plagued with various sicknesses, but they are unable to seek timely health remedies because of the high cost of medication.

"We are really suffering. What Theovision has done today is really great. The doctors are good, they gave us medication for our healing. May God bless Theovision International," he said.

Theovision will commission a CHPS compound over the weekend to take care of the health needs of the Nzolezu community.

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