Impact Stories

“Use New Media Forms to Get Your Message Through” Phil Cooke

Church media content producers from Nigeria, Ethiopia and Ghana have been urged to tell the story of Christ more skilfully using emerging technology. The call was made by Phil Cooke (Ph.D.), a renowned American media producer during a Church Media Summit in Accra, Ghana.

The 3-Day conference was organized by Theovision International, in conjunction with The Influence Lab, Phil Cooke Media, and Perez Chapel to scale-up the skills of church media producers in Africa.

Addressing over 255 media producers and content generators representing churches, non-profit organizations, Christian media, private media producers and individuals, Mr. Cooke urged them to get better in using social media tools to stimulate audiences in a more interactive, effective way in order to get more people to church.

“You have 8 seconds to get attention to your story, and your website must make people show up,” he said.

Other presenters were Kathleen Cooke, Laura Woodworth, John Ondo, Dan Wathen (from Cooke Media), Bernard Avle from Citi FM, Accra, and Falonee Naidoo, South Africa.

The President of Theovision International, Rev. Dr. Theodore Asare said Theovision and its partners have supported media producers in Africa over the years to build capacity in new media trends as a way of helping them to reach many more people with the Gospel.

He asked participants to collaborate with Theovision to create opportunities for many more Africans to hear the Gospel.

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