Theovision has held a prayer session with donors to thank God and to make intercessory prayers on behalf of the ministry and its partners.
The session also provided an opportunity for donors to interact with Management and staff of Theovision.
In a brief remark, the President and Founder of Theovision, Rev. Dr. Theodore Asare thanked the donors for committing funds to saving lives.
He said he was inspired by the testimonies of the donors about how God is rewarding them for their faithfulness in giving to Theovision.
"We have a team that prays for you and l would like to assure you that your gift is a blessing to many people," he said.
In a a brief exhortation, the Group Leader of the Word For All (WFA) program, Rev. Eric Wussah challenged the donors to work even harder and be courageous in fighting opposition, just like Nehemiah overcame opposition to build the walks of Jerusalem.
Several donors who could not attend the meeting in person participated online.