Impact Stories

Exciting times at Theovision International

Hello my friend,
What a journey we are on this year! I am so excited with the direction and pace that the Lord is moving Theovision International. Despite the very engaging activities surrounding our 25th anniversary celebration, I am touched by the dedication and verve of our staff to new and ongoing projects towards our goal of transforming lives.


By July this year, we will be marking the recording of the Audio Bible in the 300th language across 35 African countries. As we thank God for his protection over the years, please pray for our “unsung heroes,” our technicians, as they travel to some of the most dangerous parts of Africa to record the Bible. Their unfailing courage in the face of danger and threat to their lives shows how much they are committed to the vision to make all hear God’s voice. No matter the obstacles, someone must go and I am glad that our technicians have stood up to this challenge.


I am excited about the opportunity to take God’s Word to the people along the Bator area of the Volta Region of Ghana with our Bible listening program. Early this year, our partner, Christian Community Microfinance Limited (CCML), provided initial funding for this project which will bring God’s Word to some villages along the Volta River. Indeed the challenges hindering Christian growth in these areas are enormous. From a recent tour of the area by our Word for All (WFA) team, we identified some villages where idol worship is still endemic. One pastor told us about their unsuccessful attempts to plant a church in one of the villages. He said “Each year, we try to plant a church in this village but we fail because about 95% of the inhabitants are idol worshipers”. Even in villages where there are churches, some of the church leaders expressed their difficulty in understanding the Bible they read to their members. However, we see these people’s hunger for God’s Word and we are hopeful that God, through His Word, will bring true light to them. Please pray with us as we seek additional funding for the Bator project and many other Bible listening projects in other areas and also that the people will be blessed as the listen to God’s Word.


As we mark 25 years of ministry, one of the key areas we are focusing on is how to deepen our ongoing fundraising efforts in Ghana to enable us expand our WFA programs. I must commend the efforts of some of our very loyal partners who continuously make monthly contributions to support the ministry. Last year, we recruited and trained some young men and women we call, Partnership Development Executives (PDEs), to share our story with individuals, churches and organization. This initiative has helped raised more friends locally, for the organization.
Earlier this year, Mrs. Wendy Nunoo joined our team and now heads the Partnership Department. She has taken over from Miss Georgette Amenyemor, who has been assigned a new role as the Coordinator of the Children and Youth Ministry. As we welcome Mrs. Nunoo to her new role, let’s bear Georgette up in our prayers as she takes the first steps in her new role.


This year, the need to have a special ministry that will provide the platform for Theovision to minister to Children and Youth has received the needed attention. More and more children join our Bible listening program in villages but do not have the chance to contribute during discussions. Meanwhile, the impact of the Bible listening program in schools reveal how effective the program can be among children. The introduction of the Children and Youth Ministry is therefore long overdue and we thank God that He has given us yet another strategy that will make all hear God’s Voice.


It’s been excitement galore so far with our 25th anniversary celebration. Our anniversary thanksgiving service and anniversary health walk with partners have highlighted the first quarter of this year long celebration. The most recent activity was a mega field trip with some of our partners. Nine partners joined seven of our staff from Theovision to see two Bible listening sites in the Eastern Region of Ghana. It is always exciting to take our partners on such trips as it gives them firsthand information about the progress of the ministry in the hinterlands. As expected, partners returned from the field trip with deeper understanding of our field work and also a renewed commitment to Theovision. To the glory of God, This field trip is the highest attended so far and we are encouraged by it.


Comfort Dameki, 67
“I was very devastated when my two children died under very bizarre circumstances. Everyone was rude to me because they said I was a witch and I killed my children. I could not understand how life could be so mean to me. Anytime I saw my grandchildren, Mavis (10), Millicent (7) and Precious (4), I felt like ending my life. At the same time, they started playing the Audio Bible for us every morning at the market square where I sell foodstuffs. As we listened each morning, I understood that no one goes to the father except through Jesus. I now believe that my children are with the God because they served him. I have resolved to serve him also so that when death calls I will go through Jesus to the father”
Comfort is a member of the Bible listening group in Aveyime in the Volta Region of Ghana and all her neighbors testify of her new found joy in Christ. To God be the Glory.


Despite these foregone and ongoing activities, there is still more to come. I am looking up to the Global Partners Training with Moody Radio in June, Partners Prayer Meeting also in June, and the launch of Theovision’s Tree of Life Clinic and the climax of the 25th Anniversary in December.
My friends, I see God use our 25th year in ministry to reposition us to speak to the heart of Africa and beyond. And as we go through this transition, I am encouraged that you are still by our side and that you will become a greater part of what God is about to do with this ministry.

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