Impact Stories

“ The war is Over”

It was such a wonderful thing to hear of the end of a war that existed between a married couple in a village called Geklekope which means “the end of the war”. While struggling with the responsibility of catering for her eight children alone, 55 years old Sandra Goka was crushed with the burden of unforgiveness. This was caused by Kwame Nyatoa, Sandra’s second husband.

Sandra gave Kwame Nyatoa an amount of 350 Ghana cedis from her meagre savings for the purchase of some bags of cement so she could continue the construction of her house. Sadly, Kwame Nyatoa used the money on his own project leaving the widow very disappointed.

By way of revenging, a devastated Sandra decided to visit a witch doctor to evoke curses on Kwame. But thanks be to God, Sandra did not do this. Why didn’t she carry out her plan?

This is Sandra’s testimony; in the heat of her anger, she remembered the various discussions on forgiveness that had come up during Bible listening sessions in the village. Almost immediately, Sandra’s desire for revenge weakened as she remembered the audio Scriptures that admonished believers to forgive as they had been forgiven.

It would have been a very difficult thing to let an offence she deemed so grievous go, but, Sandra made the decision to let that war of unforgiveness that battled her mind go and to rather live by the Word of God she had heard from the Audio Bible in her mother tongue.

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