Impact Stories

Our water shall be free of frogs!


Executives of Goldman Capital pump the water


Chief of Kwabena Saa, CEO of Goldman Capital & CEO of Theovision International (From left)[/caption]

“Nsupa yԑ dԑ”! Which means good water is tasty is a sentence in the Akan language that was fused into a popular thanksgiving song that the residents of Kwabena Saa, a village in the Eastern Region of Ghana, happily danced around with during the opening of a bore-hole constructed for their village. The village has one of the most vibrant weekly audio Bible listening sessions in the mother tongue which is organized by Theovision International.

On one of Theovision International’s visit to Kwabena Saa’s audio Bible listening sessions, the people shared their desperate need for clean water owing to the staggering increase in ailments that were caused by their use of unhygienic water; the only one which was available to them.

The source of drinking water before the construction of the borehole[/caption]

When the team from Theovision International and Goldman Capital visited Kwabena Saa earlier this year, they were saddened by the sight of the kind of water residents of this village had to use for their domestic duties and even drink. It was clear that the village’s need for potable water was rather very urgent. For this reason, Theovision International and partner, Goldman Capital took on a clean- water project which was began immediately and completed in three weeks to solve the water problem of Kwabena Saa and even the surrounding villages.

The opening ceremony which was held to commence the use of the bore-hole was attended by almost all residents of the village. The occasion was a very joyful one for many other reasons besides the very important one of being able to access clean water now.

Another was the fulfillment of a promise after a long while. Nana Otibi, the chief of the village recounted how several people  and even organizations had made promises to them but had never come back to fulfill those promises.

In a speech that was flooded in countless Thank yous’, Nana concluded in a fulfilled voice “We shall no longer drink water with frogs”.

The people of Kwabena Saa, a village in the Eastern Region of Ghana, are grateful to Goldman Capital and to Theovision International for being the hands that has brought transformation to them. The well-water has been delivered as promised. Glory to God!

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