Impact Stories

My Master Needs Me

“Whenever I went to church or Bible listening sessions, I was ridiculed and judged by others. I wanted to vent my frustration but didn’t know how or what to do. I knew I had to answer my critics, but I wasn’t sure how. They justified their behaviour by claiming that I am a helpless widow who is unable to support her family while still attending church regularly, despite the fact that my poor living condition keeps worsening”. Adombile said.

“Even though I was concerned about the mockery, I continued to attend the Bible listening sessions. One faithful day, as we listened to the Frafra audio Bible, I heard from the scriptures how Jesus instructed his followers to go and untie the donkey and its colt for him, and to say to anyone who inquires as to why they are doing so that, “The master needs them,” (Mattew 21: 2-7). I said to myself, Jesus’ response to the disciples is all I need to say to my critics. That is how I was able to shut my mockers for good”. She added.

The only answer Madam Adombile could give to her attackers was that while she may be an unfit widow in their eyes, her master, Jesus, needed her. Her faith has grown as a result of learning and hearing about how widows were important to Jesus in the Bible and how He loved and needed them.

She declares that yes, God does love her and needs her. She is appreciative that Theovision established the Frafra audio Bible in her community.

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