Impact Stories

Impressive turn out for Theovision’s 25th Anniversary Health Walk

Staff and partners of Theovision International at the weekend went on a health walk in Accra, as part of the activities marking the 25th anniversary celebration of the organization. The five kilometer walk along the streets of East Legon, a suburb of Accra, served well the purpose of promoting a healthy lifestyle while creating awareness about the ministry of Theovision

It was a beautiful day not just for the cool weather but also for the lovely blend of excited young participants and the solidarity of the not so young ones. No matter their age or status, each attendant was keen to go distance and promote Theovision.

So with their shoes tightly laced, water in one hand and flyers in the other to distribute, the stage was set for these Theovision ambassadors, clad in their branded Theovision t-shirts, to embark on a walk of a life time.

From song to song, the brass band trumpeted on and led the group through the corridors of East Legon, attracting many passersby and residents who curiously came out of their homes to catch a glimpse of the entourage. some drivers even slowed down to ask questions and also take flyers. The excitement of the day and the sweet fellowship shared, made it easy to forget the pain of the long winding walk.

Valuable lessons from the walk?

1. Theovision’s partners have a sense of ownership

Though the walk was slated to start at 6:30 am, some of the partners arrived at the venue as early as 5:45am. They left their busy schedules and travelled long distances to join other friends and staff for the health walk. Whiles on the walk, the partners’ deep attachment to Theovision was evident in the enthusiasm and excitement with which they promoted the organization through the distribution of flyers. The holding of hands, the encouragement to keep walking and the pat on the shoulder after the long distance are shared values that go beyond the day’s walk
2. It takes just a few passionate people to change the world

It was striking to see a sizeable number of people rally behind Theovision to celebrate 25 years of ministry with the walk. To quote Lady Justice Torkonoo, a long standing friend and partner of Theovision, “one would expect thousands of people to join Theovision for this walk because of the work they have done over the years. But this small group represented today are the people God has used to touch thousands of lives in dark quiet places.” This has been the story of Theovision. From a very small start with very few staff, Theovision has brought the light of the Gospel to many homes across Africa. But surely passion has been at the center of it all.

3. A long walk never tires a true visioneer

After 25 years long walk with Theovision, Rev. Asare still retains the same energy and passion towards every course that promotes the Gospel. At his age, he walked the long haul over the weekend and was full of life after. He said “I am not tired at all; I can even go twice the distance if we have to”. Every ministry deserves a true leader with such passion that lasts a lifetime. Truly, Rev. Asare’s passion for bringing transformation through God’s Word knows no limits.

This health walk is one of the many activities lined up for the yearlong anniversary celebration. Next is Partners’ Field Trip on April 26th to some of the areas where the Bible listening program is ongoing.

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