Impact Stories

"Give To Heal" Campaign 2024 Launched

We are excited to inform you that our much anticipated “GIVE TO HEAL” Campaign for 2024 has been launched. Theovision is raising funds to mobilize medical personnel and medicines to provide a weeklong free healthcare for three thousand (3000) residents in Nzulezu, Jawey and Nuba communities of the Western Region. A total of 6 days (15th to 22nd September, 2024) will be spent in the region bringing physical and spiritual healing to the people of Jomoro District.

In addition, 350 children and 150 aged would be registered on the National Health Insurance Scheme. Theovision is trusting the Lord to equip and commission a "CHPS Compound" (Community Health Post) to take care of the health needs of Nzulezu community.

We invite you to pray with us, and help us to raise GH₵ 250,000 (USD $16,100) between the 1st and the 31st of August.

With GH₵ 85 (USD $6), you can sponsor 1 person on this daily fundraising drive. We are counting on your love and your generous giving to make this possible. Kindly send your donation to Theovision on 0246292091 Or 0200118887. Account Name: Theovision International (Please indicate MO as reference).

May the Lord meet your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus! Philippians 4:19

P.O. Box G.P. 13993
+233 246 292 091
+233 202 861 004