Impact Stories

Gang member turns to God

As a gang member, 18 year old Alex Anderson was always found in the company of other members of the group of boys in his village, Yaw Donkor (a village in the Eastern Region of Ghana), who were branded “bad boys”. Alex and his group of friends were notorious and incited all forms of trouble in their village. These boys were almost always present at every funeral that took place in and around their village. They did not attend those funerals to mourn with the bereaved family but to use the opportunity to drink free alcohol. Alex and his friends always returned to their village heavily drunk.

Ebenezer Ansah, the Bible listening group leader who was also a friend to this young gang member, Alex, found it difficult to cajole him to join the audio Bible listening even for a day.

One day however, out of boredom Alex visited the Bible listening and his life was turned around.

When Alex heard of how each one was going to give account of their deeds, he was shaken. He had never considered for a second that he would have to explain his actions to anyone. As the discussions of what the audio Bible had said went on, he realized his need for repentance. Alex feared to leave the “bad boys” group because of the terror the other gang members would inflict on him but as he weighed it against the love of Christ and the promise of heaven, he chose the latter.

The entrance of the Word delivered 18 year old Alex Anderson from gangsterism and he now enjoys fellowship with a group of believers whose lives are being transformed by listening to God’s Word in their mother tongue.

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