Impact Stories

Climax of the Yearlong 25th Anniversary Celebrations

An Unforgettable Night With Partners

(December 18, 2014-By Kwadjo Agyei) It was a night of bliss full of memories. Friends and partners of Theovision International gathered together with staff on Friday, December 5th, 2014 at the Aviation Social Center in Accra to cap the 25th anniversary celebrations of Theovision. Reliving 25 years of ministry in a single night was bound to be exhilarating and the evening’s events were well spotted for the excitement

The video documentary of Theo Asare’s boyhood and the events that led to his conversion and later to the founding of Theovision International kept the guests glued to their seats in awe of the Lord’s handiwork. When he was called up to address the gathering, Theo was so overwhelmed with emotions that it took a while for him to find his rhythm and share the impact of Theovision’s work.

Though having recorded the Bible in audio in 310 languages spoken by 70% of the people in 35 African countries is commendable, Theo said the fulfillment is not that but the numerous nonreaders in Africa who can now hear God’s Word in their own mother tongue and are being transformed through the unique ministry of Bible listening in the mother tongue in churches, schools, prisons, hospitals and even in communities where there are no churches. Theo says over 70,000 people meet weekly to listen to and discuss the Bible in their own language. A testimony of a hard core fetish priest who had come to know Jesus through the Bible listening program and had subsequently burnt down all his idols lends credence to this fact. Testimonies such as this are not absent in the success story of Theovision International’s 25 years of ministry.

The chairman for the evening’s event, Apostle Dr. Opoku Onyinah, Chairman of the Church of Pentecost, the largest Pentecostal Church in Africa, lauded the contribution of Theovision International to the body of Christ in Africa. He said his church is a benefactor of the Audio Bible in the mother tongue as it has greatly enhanced the Church’s discipleship efforts especially among nonreaders. He affirmed his Church’s unflinching support for Theovision and also called on other Churches, Christian organization and individuals to support the ministry to reach more people with God’s Word.

The music, the dance, the laughter, the cheer, the food and the fellowship all made up a wonderful night of celebrating an accomplished ministry which has been spurred on by loyal friends and partners who have believed in the vision to make all hear God’s Voice and be transformed.

The surprise package of the evening was when some beneficiaries of Theovision’s Bible listening program presented gifts of cassava, plantain and coconut to each of the guests present as a show of gratitude. The gesture and it’s accompanying message lit up the night- “We don’t have money to pay for this great help you have been to us for all these years. Please accept these foodstuffs from our farms as our appreciation to you for bringing God’s Word to us.” What a heartwarming way to show appreciation to partners whose tokens are making all the difference.

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