Impact Stories

Some people need to hear this now!


“Some people need to hear this now”, this was one of the many profound statements that characterized an intensive workshop organized by Theovision International and the Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation (GILLBT). Speaking at the workshop which preceded the launch of the audio Bible in Nkonya, Mr. Daniel Dzokoto, GILLBT coordinator for the Northern Region of Ghana, encouraged the participants to send the Word of God to all those far and near without delay. He shared the story of some youth such as John Agama who made remarkable contributions to their nations through their involvement with God’s Word and by this, he challenged the participants to do same.

Also in the workshop, participants were advised on how to use the audio Bible, organize Bible listening sessions. They were also encouraged to make the Bible beneficial to as many people as possible.

An interesting questions and answers time allowed many of the participants the opportunity to resolve any issues that bothered them regarding the use of the audio Bible.

The interactive workshop was well attended by church leaders and representatives from the various churches in Nkonya.

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