Impact Stories

Partners Visit Mermorji


Mermorji, the name of a village in the Volta Region of Ghana translates “Which Way?” The meaning does not only connote a search or uncertainty but the route to the village itself could be very tricky even for a returning visitor. With this interesting background, Peter, Theovision’s missionary in the area, confirmed why many people in this village were still searching for the “The Way”, Jesus.

Peter shared this Mermorji story during a recent field visit of representatives from Christian Community Microfinance Limited (CCML), Theovision International’s partner who supported the establishment of Bible listening groups in Mermorji and nineteen other villages in the Bator District of the Volta Region of Ghana. The choice of Mermorji for this visit was ideal in connecting the new believers to the benevolent sponsors. “Thank you for choosing to bring God’s Word to our village”, a leader of the village thanked the team profusely.

When the visiting team arrived in the village, about 200 people including children were already seated and waiting to share their testimonies. Interestingly, this Bible listening group started with just 20 people in a little over a year ago. Beyond the increase in number, the questions asked and answers shared during the evenings Bible listening session demonstrated the people’s love for God’s Word.

The team was inspired that the light of the Word was reaching many more people through the Bible listening programme.

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