Impact Stories

Hundreds benefit from medical outreach

A five day intensive medical outreach and evangelism has successfully ended in some remote parts of the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The outreach was organized by the Northern Sector office of Theovision International in partnership with Green Pastures Ministries based in Kumasi. It covered Chiransa, Eduaben, Bedaase villages in the Bosomtwe District as well as the Manhyia local prisons all in the Ashanti Region.

These villages were strategically chosen because they are far from any health facility and due to lack of resources many of them are not able to go for regular medical check -ups.

The purpose for sending the medical outreach to the Manhyia local prisons too was to complement the work of the infirmary of the prison and to furnish their pharmacy with some medications which were often needed but unavailable.

Besides the extensive screening exercises and the provision of free medication, the outreach also included teaching and counseling sessions on various health topics. This afforded the beneficiaries the opportunity to have questions bothering them regarding their health answered.

The outreach was timely given the fact that many of the old folks who took part in the exercise were hypertensive and in rather critical stages of the condition. Most of the children too were malnourished. So both the young and the old took advantage of this free medical outreach to have themselves checked and given the due medication and referrals.

While the medical team took care of the people’s medical needs, another group from the team shared the Word of God with the people.

When the Gospel was preached, close to two hundred of the beneficiaries gave their lives to Christ while many others were encouraged in their Christian walk.

In all about 800 people including 90% of inmates and the officers of the Manhyia local prisons benefited from the outreach.

The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude profusely to the team and all who had made it possible for the medical outreach to reach them.

For the team, the week was one of fulfillment and great joy; a wonderful opportunity to share God’s Word and His love through the provision of free healthcare.

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