Impact Stories

Hands at work; Love in action

Quality healthcare continues to elude majority of Ghanaians because of its associated costs, and so anytime the opportunity for free medical care is presented, there is often a massive turn out or even a spill over. This is exactly what happened today when the medical team at Theovision International’s Tree of Life Clinic teamed up with medical personnel from Reach Beyond in the USA, to provide free medical care for residents in Nmai Dzorn where Theovision’s offices are located.

It was almost sad when the medical team closed registration at 10:30 am after registering the 100th person with unregistered attendees left behind, frustrated and others still trooping in. “Please be considerate, this may be my only chance to receive a proper diagnosis for my discomfort”, said an elderly woman pleading with the guard to let her in. This case among others moved the team to see 50 additional people, extending the closing time by two hours.

For the over 150 people opportune to be seen by medical team, the process was seamless. In four quick stages; registration, vitals check, consultation and medication, they were free to go happier than they came. One such happy participant said “I knew I was not well but I couldn’t go to the hospital because I had used all my money for my late mother’s burial; but God has answered my prayer with this free healthcare and medicines you have given me.” She also lauded the doctors for the patience and love they showed her even though they didn’t speak her language well.

This medical outreach is the first of a three day free healthcare program planned for Nmai Dzorn, Oyarifa and Medie communities in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Theovision International occasionally provides free healthcare to people in areas where they serve with Bible listening programs; where quality and affordable healthcare is inaccessible.

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