Impact Stories

Am a Child of God

“I am now learning a lot about my father, God. It is comforting to know that I can call God father”. A joyful Lucy Teku, a group member of the Bible Listening group at Tadze in the Volta Region shared this with the WFA (God’s Word For All) team during a recent visit.

Lucy Teku’s discovery about who God is to her and what He expects of her as a daughter has influenced her behavior greatly. Not too long before she joined the Audio Bible listening group, she would get furious at the slightest provocation and take every opportunity to quarrel with her friends.

However, Lucy is now able to manage her anger better. This was after she began to participate in the Audio Bible listening sessions started in her village a few months ago.

Lucy Teku joined at a time when the Bible listening group was studying ‘Jesus’ sermon on the mount in the book of Matthew’. This study has been the example which has guided her into a new life of peaceful living with her friends and neighbors. She has learnt to be patient with others and forgive offenses too.

Lucy explains, her understanding of the Word of God she listened to in her heart language which has changed her life this way; “If I have been forgiven all the bad things I have ever done, why should I not forgive another?

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