Impact Stories

A Journey of Faith and Transformation in Dabo: Paul's Story

I am Paul, a missionary in the Upper West Region. I am glad to report that God has been so good to us, and the Bible Listening Groups are doing well. When I came to this community, the Lord touched my heart to gather some people and pray with them. As a result, I started a prayer group at the Dabo JSS.

Unfortunately, there was a very strong opposition from some members of the community against using the premises of the school for prayer. Someone even threatened to inflict machete wounds on me if we did not leave the school. We were left with no choice than to relocate.

In order to secure a piece of land where we could meet to pray, I sold my pig to raise some funds. We also got a little help from a member of the community.  

In spite of the challenges, God has been good. Many people gave their lives to Christ and spoke in tongues under the power of the Holy Spirit. The sick were healed, and many lives are being transformed to the glory of God.

Many women from different religions began to attend the Wednesday prayer meetings secretly, against warnings and threats from their husbands. But they called secretly to ask for prayers.

Owing to the large attendance that we were getting (between 200 to 500), the prayer meetings were held outside. Subsequently, the Lord touched someone’s heart to donate a piece of land to the Lord. We are trusting the Lord to help us to build a structure on it.  

One day, a certain man called Lodo fell ill. He had a swollen leg and couldn’t walk. Someone advised him to call a pastor to pray for him, but he refused. He would have nothing to do with prayers. Unfortunately for him, his leg kept swelling badly until he could not walk. That was when he called for me.  

The leg was in a very bad shape. You couldn’t look at it or touch it. I put my hand on it and began to pray. All of a sudden, he screamed at me to stop! I had no idea what was happening to him. He said he felt something like cold water was being poured on the leg from where my hand was all the way to the very top of his leg. The pain disappeared.

Within a couple of days, the swollen leg shrunk to its original size, and Lodo was free to walk again! The Lord has healed him!    

Lodo was one of the people who prevented their wives from attending the prayer meeting. But from that day, he permitted his wife and children to attend the meetings. Indeed, his wife is now our treasurer. The Lord is using her to teach the word of God to the community folks, pray for the sick, and lead them to Christ.  

I realised that our members did not go to church on Sundays. In order to give them an opportunity to go to church, we started the Sunday service as well.  

Currently, our number is between 15-20 people. We are thankful to the Lord for what he is doing in the Dabo community. To him be glory and honor!

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