Impact Stories

A better steward

My initial intent of being a good steward turned to something else. I became very hostile and over-protective of the community well. My attitude got so bad that people no longer desired to fetch from the well I had been made steward over. They all trooped to the other well at the other side of the village. It was quite exhausting yet but for their peace of mind, many of the village folk made those regular walks to the other well. The stories many of the inhabitants had heard of me was that of insults and fights; things I am now ashamed of.

No one’s rebuke had ever spoken as boldly to me as God’s Word. The audio Bible kept hammering as unacceptable the attitudes I had been exhibiting. Gradually, some of the people resumed coming to the well to draw water because I had changed and had become more welcoming, according to the rumors I heard.

I get surprised at my own self at the things I don’t easily get angry at nowadays. I observed the changes only after I began participating in the audio Bible listening program that had been introduced in my village some time back. The Word of God in my mother tongue impacted my attitude in a way that no advice or rebuke could ever do. I am enjoying the company of the other inhabitants of the village and I am glad that they now speak better of me. Thank God for the transforming power of His Word which is now available to me in my own mother tongue.

52 year old Marie Ahoto: Geklekope, Volta Region, Ghana.

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